Thank goodness for miniature art!
I'm sure that things will settle down (time wise at least) when the kids go back to school next week and I will have some decent 'art time' and get back to my commission work (and go back to providing some informative blog entries about the animals in my art).
I'm also in the process of changing the gallery on my website, the new one is easier to maintain and looks a lot nicer as well. Hopefully that will be made live sometime next week.
In the meantime, here are my newest ACEO's:
'Cob', Rottweiler dog

Jedi In The Night, torti cat. This is probably my favourite ACEO that I have done so far, and is the first of my "In the Night" series. I like this one so much that I'm not sure if I actually want to list it on Ebay!

"Shakespeare's Whiskers", Tuxedo cat

"A Giraffe Called Azizi". This one was created as part of a group swap with other artists around the world and is now on its way to its new home in the USA. "Azizi" is a Swahili name and Kiswahili word that means "a treasure, excellent; precious one." LOL - I hope the artist who get's this one thinks so:)

And last but not least is "Surprised Miss Marmalade", a cute maralade and white kitten with a very surprised look on her face.

Marmalade, Cob, Shakespeare, Prudence the Persian and the polar bear are all currently on Ebay and can be viewed in my store Art By Michelle
Bye for now and Happy Australia Day for any aussies who read this blog!